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Start with one of our one-page website templates, customize it with a few clicks, and choose a secure xxxx.pagexl.com address, that’s it!
Secure hosting is included and free. No FTP, no SSL certificate to buy or configure, PageXL takes care of everything.
And if you’re lacking in inspiration, PageXL offers thousands of royalty-free stock photos from Unsplash so you can create a beautiful page in no time.
Turn your page into a full e-commerce store: create buy buttons to sell single products or a form to sell a customizable product.
You can also create a traditional online store with a shopping cart to sell a range of products, and even create an advanced configurator to sell a bespoke product online.
Accept credit cards, debit cards, and Apple Pay® as payment methods at checkout by connecting a Stripe account to your site.
Websites created with PageXL are responsive: they are perfectly displayed on mobile, tablet, monitor, TV. You have nothing to do, it’s automatic, and essential! Since 2016, mobile web traffic has overtook the desktop one, a modern website must displays correctly on all screens in 2020!
Even better: just like the pagexl.com site you’re visiting right now, your website will be viewed on mobile as a Progressive Web App: your visitors can install it on the home screen of their smartphone!
The PageXL interface is mobile-friendly so you can create and edit your website from your smartphone when you’re away from your computer.
Take a picture with your smartphone and add it to your website immediately, it’s possible and easy with PageXL!
PageXL automatically optimizes your site for search engines, including Google: fast loading, HTTPS secure access, mobile optimization, offline use, service worker, redirects … see the Lighthouse report for the pagexl.com site that scores 100/100.
All this is gibberish to you? That’s why PageXL does it so you only have to worry about the content!
Yes, for most personal & small business websites, it’s enough. The average web user stay on a web page for less than 15 seconds, so the sooner you can get your message across, the better.
No. If you have a lot of content like articles, news headlines, many products to sell… you may need something different than a one-page website. Take a look at TOWeb.
Yes. We make it simple to use your own domain with PageXL, you just have to follow the instructions of the builder to configure the DNS of your custom domain. And we take care of you SSL certificate with Let’s Encrypt, you do not have to worry about it.
Yes. The free plan is not a demo or a time limited trial, you can create up to 2 pages with a free account, no credit card is required, we’ll just add a PageXL branding ad at the bottom of your pages.
Of course!
PageXL allows you to create and host 2 sites for free and unlimited time. Even for commercial use. In return, a small link « made with PageXL » is displayed at the bottom of your web page. This remains discreet, it is not external advertising that disfigures the pages. We are very attentive. In addition, your personal data are neither sold nor communicated to third parties.
We have paid plans starting at 4 €/month to remove this link, allow the creation of more sites (up to 25), and give access to some additional options if you need it:
— link your own domain name to a PageXL web page.
— add to your site terms of use and a privacy policy (GDPR).
— track your site traffic with Google Analytics.
— convert and export your site as a PDF document.
— export the source code of your site (HTML & CSS) if you want to modify or host it yourself.
— add customized <meta> or <link> tags to your site.
Extremely easy website builder. Professional one-page sites in minutes. Fully-optimized websites…
Please take a few moments to tell us about your experience with PageXL, your feedback and comments are welcome, we will use them to continuously improve PageXL.
Privacy Policy
Terms of Use
Change log
Affiliate program
Website made with PageXL.
© 2005 Lauyan Software Sarl.
This Privacy Statement informs you about the type of personal data that is collected and received through our website https://pagexl.com (“website”) and our cloud-based application PageXL, and about how we use, share, retain and protect such personal data.
We are the French company Lauyan Software Sarl (“we”, or “us”) and have our registered office at 16 rue du Général de Gaulle, 78120 Rambouillet, France. RCS : VERSAILLES 482.806.155 - APE : 5829C - VAT Number : FR24482806155. We are the controller responsible for the processing of personal data through the website and PageXL.
We collect and receive personal data through the website and PageXL. Personal data means any information relating to an identified or identifiable natural person.
First of all, we collect personal data that you choose to voluntarily provide to us for your use of the website and PageXL. Also, we collect personal information through PageXL. In addition, we collect certain personal data by using cookies, including similar technologies such as local storage when you visit the website.
Cookies are bits of text that are placed on your computer’s hard drive or mobile device when you visit certain websites. Cookies hold information that may be accessible by the party that places the cookie, which is either the website itself (first part cookie) or a third party (third party cookies). You do have control over cookies, and can refuse the use of cookies by selecting the appropriate setting on your browser. Most browsers will tell you how to stop accepting new cookies, how to be notified when you receive a new cookie, and how to disable or delete existing cookies. Please note, however, that by not accepting or deleting the use of cookies, you may not be able to use the website and PageXL.
On the website, we use cookies for the following purposes:
For the purpose listed under 1), we use Google Analytics. Google Analytics is a web analytics service provided by Google, Inc., which uses cookies to help. The information generated by the cookie about your use of our website (such as your IP address, the URL visited, the date and time the page was viewed) will be transmitted and stored by Google on servers in the United States or any other country in which Google maintains facilities. Your IP address will be masked by setting the last octet of your IP address to zero before it is stored by Google. Google will use this information to monitor your use of our website, and to compile reports on website activity for us. Based on our agreement with Google, Google is not allowed to use this information for their own purposes and may only transfer this information to third parties where required by law, or where such third parties process information on Google’s behalf.
We may collect and receive the following personal data from you:
We may collect other types of personal data if required under applicable law or if necessary for the purposes listed below. We will then inform you and ensure that there is a valid legal basis for doing so.
We may use the personal data we collect and receive for the following purposes:
We may share the personal data we collect and receive on a need to know basis with the following third parties:
We may also transfer your personal data in the event that we sell or transfer all or a portion of our business or assets on a need to know basis. Should such a sale or transfer occur, we will use reasonable efforts to direct the transferee to use personal data you have provided to us in a manner that is consistent with applicable law and this Privacy Statement.
We do not sell, rent or trade your personal data.
We may transfer the personal data we obtain to third parties in countries outside the European Economic Area (EEA). The laws in those countries may not offer an adequate level of data protection. In particular, personal data may be transferred to the United States.
When we transfer your personal data outside the EEA, we will protect your personal data as described in this Privacy Statement and in accordance with applicable law, such as by entering into the European Commission’s Standard Contractual Clauses for the transfer of personal data to a processor located outside of the European Union.
We maintain appropriate technical and organizational security safeguards designed to protect your personal data against accidental, unlawful or unauthorized destruction, loss, alteration, access, disclosure or use. However, due the inherent open nature of the Internet, we cannot guarantee that communications between you and us or the personal information stored is absolutely secure. We will notify you of any data breach that is likely to have unfavorable consequences for your privacy in accordance with applicable law.
We retain personal data for as long as necessary to fulfil the purposes for which we collect or receive the personal data, except if required otherwise by applicable law. Typically, we will retain most of the personal data for the duration of your use of the website and PageXL, until you have removed your account, unless a longer applicable statutory retention period applies.
You have the following rights in relation to your personal data:
We may update this Privacy Statement from time to time. We will notify you of any significant changes to this Privacy Statement on the website or through other appropriate communication channels. All changes shall be effective from the date of publication, unless otherwise provided in the notification.
If you have any comments or inquiries about the information in this Privacy Statement, if you would like us to update your personal data, or to exercise your rights, please contact us by email at contact@pagexl.com.
Revised: May 12, 2018
These general terms and conditions (hereinafter referred to as “terms”) set out the rights and obligations in connection with the use of the service PageXL offered by the provider Lauyan Software Sarl (hereinafter referred to as “Lauyan” or “provider” or “us”) and the PageXL user in connection with the utilization of the PageXL services, as well as the further services, applications and functions that are offered by Lauyan, unless explicitly stated otherwise.
The PageXL terms and conditions of use solely apply as the exclusive terms and conditions. Contradictory terms or user terms that deviate from these terms shall not be recognized, unless we have recognized and have exclusively and in textform agreed to the validity of such. These terms shall also apply even where with knowledge of contradictory terms or terms of the PageXL user that deviate from these terms, we continue to provide our services without reservation, to the user.
A legally binding and enforceable contract shall take effect - unless otherwise agreed - upon successful completion of the registration process.
The user has the opportunity to print these terms and conditions (the text of the contract created) at any given time. For this purpose the print function of the respective browser can be used.
The user does not have a claim to the conclusion of a contract. Lauyan reserves the right to refuse the offer of a user to enter into a contract with them, without giving reasons.
In order to register and use the PageXL services the user must be at least 15 years old at the time of registration. Minors under the age of 15 are only permitted to register when they have the permission of their respective legal representative (e.g. their parents). Lauyan reserves the right on a case by case basis to demand documented proof that consent has been granted.
Lauyan provides online services which allow PageXL users to create and manage their own user profile (PageXL user accounts) for and in order to create, manage and modify their their own website(s) (hereinafter referred to as “page(s)” or “PageXL website(s)” or “PageXL site(s)”). The PageXL services enable the user to modify the design of their PageXL website(s) as well as to upload and publish their own contents.
Lauyan offers various paid or free plans to use the PageXL service. All plans provided by Lauyan free of charge may be discontinued at any time. In such a case the User will not be entitled to claim the continuation of this type of service.
Some PageXL plans may contain advertisements. The PageXL user is not permitted to edit, remove, or conceal such advertisements.
The website created by the PageXL user shall be published under a subdomain name that shall either be chosen by the PageXL user or generated automatically. Users are not permitted to redirect an externally hosted domain to a free of charge page or to display the free of charge page on an external Website (e.g. integration via frame or iframe).
Lauyan reserves the right to retract from the Internet or any other page that generates abnormal traffic or consumes a large amount of server resources.
Lauyan reserves the right to refuse, delete or recover any subdomain of PageXL without cause or delay. The user of the subdomain will be notified by email to make his arrangements and change.
Lauyan may offer HTTPS encryption for your PageXL websites. By pointing a custom domain to PageXL after subscribing a paid plan, you authorize us to create and maintain a certificate for the limited purpose of providing HTTPS for your page.
Lauyan reserves the right at all times and at its own discretion to make use of the services of third parties in providing services.
Lauyan reserves the right to complement, extend, change, suspend, discontinue or improve the services offered, in particular where such measures will improve the technological standard of the services or are deemed necessary for preventing abuse. Such modifications may lead to changes in the appearance of the PageXL sites. Lauyan shall only make such modifications that it deems reasonably acceptable for the PageXL user or if their implementation is required by law or technological advancement.
The PageXL user confirms that all the personal data provided by them to Lauyan is true and complete. Lauyan reserves the right to request appropriate proof of identity on a case by case basis.
The PageXL user is obliged to keep their personal “contact” information up to date at all times.
The PageXL user is required to maintain strict confidentiality regarding all login data, identification, and passwords in order to prevent third parties from accessing their login data. In the event that the PageXL user has reason to believe or suspects that third parties have obtained or may have obtained unauthorized login data, identification, or passwords, they shall inform Lauyan immediately and change their login data.
For contractual purposes (e.g. invoices, important contractual information, major technical changes) the PageXL user agrees to receive electronic communications from Lauyan.
The PageXL user is responsible for all contents published, made available, provided or stored by them on their PageXL sites. Lauyan is under no obligation to inspect the PageXL sites of the PageXL users with regard to violations of law.
The PageXL user is responsible for complying with all laws that apply to them and their end-users, within the applicable jurisdiction, as well as the regulations of the France. This also applies explicitly to any additional legal regulations regarding the operation of an online store.
The PageXL user is expressly prohibited from saving the PageXL designs & templates to a non PageXL IT system and from transferring it to and using it on a non PageXL IT system.
The PageXL user is only permitted to use the curated selection of templates provided by or via PageXL exclusively for their PageXL presence. A publication of this content on or via any other medium e.g. print media or any other internet platform is not permitted.
The PageXL user is prohibited from undertaking any acts on the PageXL platform or their own PageXL site (e.g. submit, transmit or display any user content) that violate the law, and/or the rights of third parties or that violate the basic principles regarding the protection of minors.
The publication, spreading, offering and the advertisement or advertising of the following content in particular is expressly prohibited:
This obligation also applies to any links (Hyperlinks) included on the PageXL website by the PageXL user, pertaining to such content as described above, included on external platforms or services.
Furthermore, independent of any possible legal ramifications, the following activities as concerns the setting of the PageXL user’s own content (e.g. via the setting of links), are also prohibited:
Furthermore, every action that could influence the normal functioning of the PageXL platform is prohibited.
In the event of claims(e.g. secondary liability, third party liability etc.) due to illegal content which the User has placed on a PageXL site, the User agrees to indemnify Lauyan and hold Lauyan harmless from any claim or demand(including and not limited to cease and desist orders with contractual fines, revocations, damages, rectifications etc.). In such a case the user is also under the obligation to assist Lauyan in every manner in responding to and in the defense of such claims.
The sending of emails to a multiple number of recipients (newsletter, advertising) via the PageXL mail system is essentially forbidden. In such case, we reserve the right to permanently block or delete the PageXL user account.
Lauyan reserves the right to block access to our services either temporarily or permanently if there are concrete indications that the PageXL user has violated or shall violate these terms and conditions and/or the law, or if Lauyan has a legitimate interest in blocking access.
In deciding as to whether access shall be blocked, the legitimate interests of all parties shall be considered as appropriate.
In the event that the PageXL user fails to log into their free PageXL account within 180 days, Lauyan may delete the account and its contents (all the PageXL pages created by the user) permanently and suspend all access to the PageXL account by the User.
Lauyan endeavors to ensure the best possible availability of the PageXL services. The PageXL user acknowledges however, that for technical reasons as well as due to the Lauyan’s dependence on external factors, (e.g. unavailability of telecommunications networks, electricity outages, hardware and/or software failure etc), the uninterrupted availability of individual PageXL sites cannot be guaranteed.The PageXL user can therefore not assert a claim for continual access to the PageXL sites. Access restrictions of a temporary nature shall not constitute grounds for warranty claims nor a right to extraordinary termination.
As far as the PageXL services are provided free of charge, the user only has a claim to the use of the services within the framework of the actual availability provided.
Regarding the paid plans provided by Lauyan, we guarantees within the sphere of our responsibility an availability of 98% throughout the year. Regular maintenance, which can amount to up to 8 hours per week is not included in the aforementioned, calculated availability. We aim to keep the maintenance times as short as possible.
When a paid plan is not renewed, the PageXL account is reverted to the free plan, and some websites of the PageXL user may be removed from the Internet.
In order to ensure the proper operability of the PageXL sites, a number of system requirements must be fulfilled. Lauyan is not liable for disruptions caused by the use of system configurations or third party services.
For the use of paid plans as well as optional extra services from third party providers, charges shall apply that shall be due in advance for a complete contractual period.
All payment methods possible shall be displayed to the user in the product information and/or during the checkout and ordering process.
Invoices for users of the PageXL paid plans shall be provided to the user electronically, in pdf form.
The relevant day to determine the timeliness of payment is the day at which the amount is received by, or credited and completely available to Lauyan.
Lauyan processes all payments via external payment processors. The PageXL user agrees that Lauyan payments shall only be accepted via these payment processors and that they correspondingly permit the processor concerned to charge the amount concerned. Where bank transfers are concerned, this payment must be directed to the stated payment processor.
Lauyan does not accept any liability for losses, damages or loss of revenue that may be caused by the blocking of a PageXL site due to incomplete or delayed payment, as long as the failure or delay can be attributed to the PageXL user.
Payments are due in EURO.
All prices include VAT. The applicable VAT rate shall be shown on the invoice. If the PageXL user i.e. the corresponding company is not based in France or in the EU, the PageXL user will receive a net amount invoice.
The right of restitution does not apply in the event of the sale of a paid plan. Given the intangible nature of the service whose implementation began with the consent of the user before the end of the refund period, the user acknowledges and agrees that the right of refund within 14 days upon delivery of products / services provided can not be exercised by him/her in accordance with the provisions of Articles L. 121-20-2 of the French Consumer Code. Buying a paid plan is firm and final and shall not give rise to any refund or exchange.
We offer the PageXL user the possibility to post content on their PageXL site and to make these content available to others via the PageXL site. In order for Lauyan to perform it’s service and allow for the creation of a website with text, pictures and videos, it is necessary that the PageXL user grants usage rights to Lauyan for the publication, editing and public broadcasting of this content. This does not entitle Lauyan to sell the user content to a third party. The copyright of the author shall remain unaffected.
With the posting of content the PageXL user grants Lauyan gratuitous usage rights to the various content, including:
The PageXL user is completely responsible for all content they post. Lauyan is not obliged to inspect the content prior to publication as regards completeness, validity, legality, currentness, quality and suitability for particular purposes.
The PageXL user declares and guarantees Lauyan that they are the sole owner of all rights to the content posted by them on their PageXL website, or that they are otherwise legitimately authorised to do so (e.g. via written consent from the copyright holder).
Lauyan reserves the right to refuse, block or remove the posting of content and/or content that has already been posted (including private messages) without prior notice, should the posting of the content or the posted content itself constitute or lead to a violation of these terms and conditions, or where there is clear evidence that a serious violation of these terms shall result. The legitimate interests of the PageXL user shall be taken into account and proportional measures to prevent and/or remove the violation shall be taken.
The PageXL user shall upon first request indemnify Lauyan and hold Lauyan harmless against all claims from third parties, against Lauyanio as a result of a violation committed by the PageXL user against legal regulations, third party rights(in particular personal rights, copyright and/or trademark rights), or as regards contractual duties, representations or guarantees(warranties), including the costs of a legal defense (lawyer’s fees and court costs at the applicable statutory rate). In the event of claims arising from any such behavior, the PageXL user is obligated to immediately and completely cooperate and clarify the situation, as well as to make all required entries accessible to Lauyan in a suitable manner.
A free of charge PageXL website may be deleted at any time by the PageXL user directly via the settings in the menu of the aforementioned free of charge PageXL site.
Lauyan is entitled to terminate the contractual relationship extraordinarily, without regard being had to the aforementioned cancellation period should facts be present that justify the assumption that the PageXL user intentionally or negligently carried out prohibited acts, such as (but not limited to) those described in these terms and conditions of use. Furthermore such a violation or non observance of the terms and conditions of use can result in civil and/or criminal consequences for the PageXL user. Partial refunds or other refunds of fees paid in advance shall generally not be refunded in such cases. The PageXL user is entitled to provide evidence in such cases that support or verify the theory that the non refunding in that specific case is “unfair”.
After termination of the contraction relationship we are no longer obligated to provide the contracted services. We can delete all data of the PageXL user that are located on our services, including all emails located in the relevant mailboxes. Transferring the user’s complete PageXL, internet presence to the servicer of a third party is not possible.
Although We try to correct all errors or omissions as soon as possible once they have been brought to our attention, We do not guarantee that PageXL will be available and in a fully operating condition nor that the information provided by Lauyan will be free of errors or omissions. Lauyan cannot be held responsible for any complaints and/or any proceedings regarding the usage of the Lauyan services.
The laws of the France apply.
If the user is a merchant, legal body of the public law, or special property under public law, the jurisdiction for all conflicts deriving from this contract is the court of jurisdiction for the business location of Lauyan.
If individual regulations of these terms and conditions of use should be ineffective or become ineffective, that does not affect the legal enforcement of the remaining regulations.
In the event of any deviations resulting from the translation, the formulation of these terms of service set forth in the french version shall prevail.
Lauyan retains the right to effectively change these terms and conditions at any time, also within the current contractual relationships. The user shall be informed as to such changes at least 6 weeks before the planned date of the entry into force of such changes. If the PageXL user does not object to these changes within 6 weeks of the receipt of this notification and continues to use the PageXL services subsequent to the expiration of the deadline, the changes announced in the notification shall be deemed to be effectively agreed to. In the notification message we shall inform the user as to their right of objection, as well as the consequences of such an objection. In cases of objection to these changes Lauyan retains the right to terminate the contractual relationship with the user to the date of entry into force of the announced changes.
Revised: March 22, 2018
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